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Midstream Ridge
Baby house

At Midstream Ridge Baby House, we have established a safe, inclusive, and stimulating learning environment that serves as a second home for our children. We aim to lay the foundation for each child’s social, emotional and academic growth. We focus on the holistic development of our children and provide them with positive role models.  We envision MRBH as a vibrant hub of early childhood development, where children flourish in a supportive community that values curiosity, creativity and kindness.

By Midstream Ridge Babahuis skep ons ‘n veilige en stimulerende opvoedkundige omgewing, wat as ‘n tweede huis vir ons kinders dien. Ons doelwit is om die fondasie vir elke kind se sosiale, emosionele en akademiese groei, te lê. MRBH fokus op die holistiese ontwikkeling van ons kinders en om hulle aan positiewe rolmodelle bloot te stel. MRBH bied ‘n omgewing waar kinders kan floreer in ‘n ondersteunende gemeenskap wat nuuskierigheid, kreatiwiteit en vriendelikheid aanmoedig.
Midstream Ridge Baby House
Midstream Ridge Baby House
Midstream Ridge Baby House

Midstream Ridge Baby house | Babahuis is a Bilingual school offering both english and afrikaans

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Midstream Ridge Baby House | Babahuis

Extra Murals | buitemuurse aktiwiteite

A program which uses sport and movement to develop children

‘n Program wat sport en beweging gebruik om kinders te ontwikkel

A dance class focused on promoting children’s muscular development

‘n Dansklas wat daarop gefokus is om kinders se spierontwikkeling te bevorder

A music class

‘n Musiekklas

Early Childhood music education program

Vroeë kinderjare musiekopvoedingsprogram

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Our Team | Ons Span

All teachers have experience working with babies and toddlers and the necessary qualifications. All staff members have had first-aid training and have the knowledge and skills to respond effectively. Regular refresher courses are attended to keep staff skills current. 

Alle onderwysers het ondervinding met babas en kleuters en die nodige kwalifikasies. Alle personeellede het noodhulpopleiding gehad en is toegerus met die kennis en vaardighede om doeltreffend in enige situasie te reageer. Gereelde opknappingskursusse word bygewoon om personeel se vaardighede op datum te hou.

Owners | Eienaars

Midstream Ridge Baby House

Suzaan Ernst

The principal and co-owner of MRBH is Suzaan Ernst. Suzaan has a passion for early childhood development and her qualifications include a BA degree in Psychology and Education, PGCE in Early Childhood Development and Foundation Phase and a BEd Honours in Learner support. Suzaan is also a qualified Remedial therapist and has completed a certification in Leadership principles at Harvard Business School. On a personal level, Suzaan is a mother of two children, who were both cared for at MRBH.

Midstream Ridge Baby House

Lize-Mari van Dyk

The co-owner of MRBH is Lize van Dyk, a practising advocate at the Pretoria Society of Advocates and a mother of two boys. As a working mother, she knows how important it is to find a baby house for one's children, where they will be safe, loved and stimulated - essentially a second home. This is exactly what we strive to provide at MRBH.

Parent feedback | ouer terugvoer

Testimonials | Getuigskrifte

Healthy Eating

Delicious meals & snack time

Midstream Ridge Baby House is a nurturing and caring environment that provides wholesome food for babies and toddlers, lovingly prepared by Tummies Full of Love. 

This wonderful service understands the importance of healthy eating habits from a young age and offers a variety of nutritious and delicious meals tailored to little ones’ needs. From pureed fruits and veggies to tasty and textured meals, Tummies Full of Love’s culinary creations are made with love and care, providing parents with peace of mind knowing their tiny tots are receiving the best possible start in life. 

With Midstream Ridge Baby House and Tummies Full of Love, you can trust that your baby’s mealtime needs are in good hands!


MRBH accepts children from 3 months to 36 months (3 Years)


Our hours are from 07h00 to 18h00 weekdays.

Midstream Ridge Baby House | Babahuis

“Children are not things to be moulded, but are people to be unfolded”

“Daar is twee tipes geskenke wat ons vir ons kinders moet gee; diepgewortelde waardes en die vlerke om te vlieg”

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